Austria by car. How, where and how much

I want to tell you in detail about our road route in Austria in July 2016, focusing on the organization of the trip and share useful sources. The themes of our trip were mountains and, first of all, we wanted to spend more time in them, capturing, however, several cities.

Toronto 360. CN Tower

One of my favorite activities in any new city is to climb the highest point and look at the city from above. However, I am no exception, since there is one common adage on this subject. In Toronto, there is a wonderful point for panoramic views of the city - an observation deck on the CN Tower. This building with a height of 533 m - one of the highest in the world. The observation deck with a circular view is also very high - at the level of 346 m from the ground.

Constantine. One, two, three ... viva l'Algerie ...

In Constantine - the third largest city in Algeria after the capital and coastal Oran, I got on the eve of the football match Algeria - Belgium and the whole city was in anticipation of the holiday.

Vicenza - love at first sight

Now I know for sure - love at first sight exists! On a pleasant, clear day, glancing at Vicenza from Monte Berico, I was convinced of this. To get to Vicenza - the city in which more than two dozen buildings of Andrea Palladio survived, dreamed a long time ago, but thought that this would remain a cherished desire. But dreams, it turns out, come true!

Australia is a magical land on the edge of the world

So, a review of the last continent, where I visited, is distant and difficult to access for Russians in Australia. There is an opinion that this is a very expensive country, even in the “Eagle and Lattice”, each series about Australia begins with the moans leading to the fact that they have to live half-starving. In fact, it turned out that at the current exchange rate, Australia is a country of the middle price category, something like Spain or Greece. Given the presence of numerous low-cost flights there from Southeast Asia, we get a great place to travel (well, if not a visa).

Hong Kong. On the sunny side.

Those who have not been to Hong Kong, as well as to me before this trip, this place seems to be a sort of megalopolis of some skyscrapers, with an incredible number of cars and people, entirely in advertising and smog. Naturally, such naive delusions are easy to dispel, one has only to unfold the map, where it is clear that urban areas occupy only a small part of Hong Kong, the rest is lush tropical greenery and numerous sandy beaches.

Why go to Bukovel without skis

Quit smoking - get up on skis, says popular wisdom. And if you do not go to extremes, then we change the habit of “smoking” to the habit of “floating” and go to the ski slope in the off season. A budget for the purchase of skis, you can safely lower on the road: in Lviv or numerous Hutsul "kolybah."

Winter in Anchorage

In response to our enthusiasm, “Hurray, finally winter, snow and frost” some Alaskan old-timers shook their heads: they say you live here for more than three years, and then you will sing in a different way - short days, long nights, you leave to work darkly and returning home in the dark, bad roads, boring snow that needs to be constantly cleared, frost, gas and electricity bills, a disreputable house in which you spend almost all the time ... No, summer is better.

Day in Montreal

I managed to visit only two Canadian cities in Montreal and Quebec. Located close to each other, they seemed completely different to me. If Quebec resembles a fallen asleep provincial French urban-type settlement, then Montreal is what you get, decide someone to connect New York with Paris, i.e. completely explosive mixture!

Autumn in the mountains of Ukraine. Carpathians

This year has already become the most active in my life. As I thought to myself on January 1 that I would earn less, but I would see more in this world, it turns out. Apart from numerous cities, for the first time I managed to see autumn at once in 2 mountain systems of Ukraine - the Carpathians and the Crimea. What and tell below.

Hong Kong in winter

Outpost of the British Ost-Indian trading company, financial offshore, one country, two systems, seamlessly merging into one. Hong Kong is still thriving and impressive. Last time I was here in the summer of 2011. It was hot, stuffy and humid. This time came in the winter.

Nice: not only the sea azure ...

Summer. Nice. Cote d'Azur. These words are already beginning to draw in the imagination the foaming waves of sky-blue color, the bright sun, the beach, the warm breeze, the flying aircraft and sheer bliss.

Canada - America with a human face

Last year, I visited North America for the fourth time, this time including the second largest country in the world - Canada. Although I was only in the main cities and I did not see the depths of Canada, I can do a brief overview of this country.

Vienna Museum of Art History

I love to go to museums. I like the collections, when many items can be visually compared with each other. I especially want to visit museums with carefully selected exhibits. And one of these museums is undoubtedly the Vienna Museum of Art History, which impresses with its collection and architecture.

Gdansk is not for you Danzig

Good weather, warm sea, not crowded beaches - all this almost never converge on the Baltic coast. And already in the middle of autumn, and even more so. In this case, there should be a reserve plan for marking the vast Baltic coast. Polish three-cities-together-for a long time-one-agglomeration (ie Trójmiasto, ie “Tricities”) can provide such an opportunity.