Hong Kong | Causeway Bay for three hours

What in a couple of centuries can a place once called the Yellow Mud River (Won Nai Chun) turn into? To Hong Kong's Causeway Bay area. There is a proposal to change hotel slippers to sneakers and go for a walk along this edge, located on one of the historical axes of the metropolis.

Tour of the USA. Summer in Alaska. Kenai and Seward

Alaska is a very large state. Not as big, of course, as it is painted on the usual distorted maps, where Greenland is the size of Africa. And as big as on a globe, where Africa is almost twice as large as Russia, Greenland is smaller than Kazakhstan, and the United States and Canada are almost the same size.

Bus fleet number 7

Somewhere in the outskirts of the Kiev left bank, a unique bus fleet No. 7 was lost — the largest motor transport enterprise on the left bank. 40 years ago, our ancestors tried to implement in it the most advanced solutions that were then available in the former Union. Now he is on the verge of extinction. The highlight of the park is an unusual covered parking lot resembling a circus building where hundreds of buses once slept. Now the building is in disrepair and will soon be dismantled.

Olympic National Park

The Olympic Peninsula is located on the Pacific coast of Washington and its hometown of Kurt Cobain. They claim that they do not need to be reserved at all for three months. This is still a little bit about the beauty of the Pacific Northwest (although for us it is, after all, the southwest).

Venice: City in a Swamp

Venice has never been on my wish list of places to visit. A terribly public place, as a rule, should have wild price tags, crowds of tourists and the absence of even a hint of authenticity. But everything changes when they come - New Year's holidays. And here, oddly enough, it turned out that starting a new 2019 year in Venice is a very good deal.

Journey to the Death Valley

Photos from the April Death Valley I will start showing from the end :) This is almost the last frame made that day - sunset. Next was just the return trip to our hotel in Vegas, for the most part already in complete darkness, with only one small stop at the roadside Walgreens to buy new slippers. Why the need for such a purchase arose - I will explain below.


Drag into the Baltic Sea in October is a so-so idea. Here in the summer you can go in a jacket and in the rain a day or two. And even with a strong +20 and the sun, not all vacationers are ready to plunge, limiting themselves to walking along the surf line.

North Pole. Back and forth in two days. Svalbard.

Our rapid raid on the North Pole took the standard route: Svalbard - Barneo - North Pole and back the same way. Not standard in it was only the number of days. The Svalbard Archipelago is the gateway to the Arctic. This is where the polar expeditions begin, people come here to see what this Arctic is.

The beauty of the Lofoten Islands

Lofoten (not to be confused with Labutenes) is a polar Norwegian archipelago known for its stunning views, excellent fishing and picturesque villages. This is a land of wildlife, majestic mountains, deep fjords and long sandy beaches, located in the Norwegian Sea.

Lion Rock: another view of Hong Kong from above

The fact that I love Hong Kong will not be news for long-time readers of this blog. Every time I try to find something new for myself here, and so far there have been no problems with this. During a recent two-day visit, I climbed onto Lion Rock. This is a great climb, which for some reason I did not know about before (otherwise I would have gone a long time ago!)

Moving around Hong Kong

I was surprised to learn that most of my readers prefer the wicked Los Angeles to Hong Kong! I’m probably clumsily describing Hong Kong charms, and the Hollywood PR machine is too good in business. Well, I'll try again.

Excursion in the USA. Boston.

The obvious solution was to go straight to Boston, descend through New York and Washington to Norfolk in Virginia, and only then go back in detail through the missing central states for wintering in Montana (with wintering, by the way, it was also not clear until recently). Thus, after a week and 3,200 kilometers (we drove without haste), we arrived in the autumn lands, which in Hawaii I could only dream of.

Through the USA by sleeping train

I have repeatedly complained on this blog that there are no normal passenger railways in America. But this is not quite so - from the former luxury of the mid-XX century there are still a few amazing pieces left. And recently I was lucky to use just one such person when I drove 850 kilometers of one of the few sleeping trains in the country - the California Zephyr.

USA: Oregon Coast

I will continue the story about Oregon that started from Portland and is far from complete, especially since now our village is covered in snow and there is nothing better than to plunge into old photos from the sea. We start in a small town - Astoria - on the border of Oregon and Washington and move on the 101st highway to the south.

Incredible Hong Kong. What to see in three days?

Usually in Hong Kong I am a savage, but this time I ended up in a group that was organized in the most interesting tourist places. It would be difficult to cope with the route in such a short period of time (three days), but I was wondering what they would show us something I hadn’t seen yet. And, in general, there were many such places.