Vicenza - love at first sight

Now I know - love at first sight exists! A nice clear day looking at Vicenza from Monte Berico, sure. Get in Vicenza - the city, which survived more than two dozen buildings of Andrea Palladio, I wanted for a long time, but I thought that it will remain an aspiration. But the dream is coming true!
1. Monte Berico - is, in general, a hill overlooking Vicenza at a short distance from the historic city center. On top of the hill stands the church of Santa Maria di Monte Berico, devoted to the patroness of Vicenza.

2. Before the main facade of the church stretches Piazzale della Vittoria, which offers a magnificent panorama of Vicenza and the northern part of the province up to the foothills of the Alps Vicentina.

3. The day was clear and on the horizon you could see the silhouettes of purple mountains.

5. Parapet this huge viewing platform forms something like a large outdoor balcony. Placed on the parapet of pointers to the most famous city attractions and types of Veneto - Monte Grappa, the foothills of the Dolomites, Venice Lagoon. But the main thing in front of us stretched the city where he was born, lived and built by Andrea Palladio.

6. Tourists as well as we can to come here by car, and start out with Vicenza away.


8. The area, together with the church and the memorial of those killed in the war has been declared a national treasure.

9. Museum of the Risorgimento and the Resistance Movement is on a hill. On the square stands a monument in honor of those killed in the war in 1848.



12. The pilgrims to Monte Berico are two ways: you can climb to the church of consisting of 192 x stairs stairs Scaletta, which starts from the famous Palladian Arco delle Scaletta Piazza Frakkon, or portico of 150 arches, designed in 1746 by Francesco Mouton - the successor of the Palladian style. The total length of the latter is approximately 700 meters.

13. Mount Monte Berico - for Italians a holy place. On top of it stands the majestic and solemn church of the Madonna of Mercy - patroness of Vicenza. The temple is the title of a small basilica. Home Basilica shrine - the statue of the Madonna, iconographically it is defined as the Mother of Mercy and Madonna Mantle. The Virgin Mary appears as the mother of all God's children, who find protection under her cloak. In the iconography of the Catholic image of the Madonna of Mercy protecting all people its cover - from the Pope to the common people, it is known from the beginning of the XIV century, and in the Orthodox analogue is the iconographic subject "Protection of the Holy Virgin."

14. Происхождение святого места на Монте-Берико связывают с двумя явлениями Мадонны. Согласно легенде, Дева Мария дважды являлась на место, где сейчас стоит церковь. В первый раз крестьянину, работающему на холме, Дева Мария принесла пищу, и во второй, когда территория Венето страдала от ужасной эпидемии чумы, Дева Мария пообещала, что если жители Виченцы построят на холме церковь, она избавит их от чумы. Жители выполнили указание и возвели храм за три месяца. В 1428 году была построена первая готическая церковь и небольшой монастырь для размещения религиозной общины. После непродолжительного периода, в течение которого церковью управляли сестры ордена святой Бригитты, комплекс был передан "Слугам Марии" (1435 год), которые до сих пор хранят это святое место. Каждый год паломники устремляются в базилику Монте Берико, чтобы помолиться Деве Марии о защите, а также о здоровье своих детей. И почти шесть веков Мадонна встречает всех жаждущих заступничества.

15. Who is the temple complex consists of two churches. The second church in a mixed baroque and classical was built in 1703 by architect Carlo Borel. It has a cross plan inscribed in a square and covered by a dome.

16. Bell Tower was erected, designed by Antonio Piovene in 1826.

17. External and internal statues and bas-reliefs - work Marinaite Orazio and his school made in the XVII century. Three bas-relief above the entrance portal, reflect the history of the temple complex. Most of the statues carved from stone Berici.


19. The interior is bright and outfits, the overall atmosphere is warm and joyful. Above the arch that separates the two churches, there is a large picture of Julio Karpioni 1651, which allegorically depicts Vicenza at the Virgin's feet.

20. Marble sculpture of the Madonna (the beginning of the XV century), located above the main altar, in the place where according to legend, stepped Madonna. Madonna is depicted standing at full height, crowned, with outstretched arms, from which descends the vast cloak like a tent. Under the shadow of his hiding kneeling figures cry out to the people of God.




24. Basilica and adjoining rooms hold precious works of art.












36. From the main basilica turn into a small gothic church in the cloister and refectory.









45. From the cloister you can get into the former refectory of the monastery, which now holds the most important works of art. The main value is the painting "The Supper of St. Gregory the Great" by Paolo Veronese (1572). During the war against the Austrians in 1848, the canvas was cut into 32 pieces and then rebuilt by Emperor Franz Joseph's will. Painting is one of the most important achievements of the Veronese. In the same room, on the right and left of the front door, there are paintings of the artist Alessandro Magantsa (1556-1630): "The Virgin of the four evangelists" in 1580 and "The Baptism of Christ".









Vicenza is known as the city of Andrea Palladio, but all of the outstanding architectural achievements - the Basilica of Palladio, the central Piazza dei Signori, Olympia Theater, villas, see already descending from Monte Berico ...