Scandinavian holidays. Viking village Nyardarheimr

Less than an hour after visiting the Tvindefossen waterfall, we have already arrived in the village of Gudvangen on the banks of the Nærøyfjorden. We will spend almost the rest of the day in Aurland. Its name from Old Norse can be translated as "the edge of gravel", which is really a lot on the slopes of the mountains. A silver goat's head is depicted on the commune's coat of arms in a blue shield, as the area is famous for its goat farms.

Scandinavian holidays. Two Fjord Cruise

We walked around Stavanger, visited the oil museum, and it's time to inspect the city. This is best done, of course, from the water, so we go on a cruise along the two arms of the already familiar Boknafjord - Högsfjord and Lüsefjord.

Scandinavian holidays. Walk in the center of Oslo

Six years ago, I first visited Norway and was completely delighted with it. And so, in mid-August I was able to visit this beautiful European country again and share my excitement with my soulmate :) We bought exactly the same tour that I was in 2013, but over time, small changes were made to it, which made the train only more interesting. Our journey begins in the capital of Norway, the city of Oslo.

North Pole. Back and forth in two days. Svalbard.

Our rapid raid on the North Pole took the standard route: Svalbard - Barneo - North Pole and back the same way. Not standard in it was only the number of days. The Svalbard Archipelago is the gateway to the Arctic. This is where the polar expeditions begin, people come here to see what this Arctic is.

The beauty of the Lofoten Islands

Lofoten (not to be confused with Labutenes) is a polar Norwegian archipelago known for its stunning views, excellent fishing and picturesque villages. This is a land of wildlife, majestic mountains, deep fjords and long sandy beaches, located in the Norwegian Sea.

The northernmost city in the world

In 2006, the case of man-made disaster (nuclear war, asteroid strikes, etc.), mankind has created a special "ark" to plant seeds. On the 120-meter depth under the ground there are 4.5 million samples of crops all over the world. The project, worth 9 million. Dollars was made at the expense of Norway, and is on its territory. Storage marked out in the village of Longyearbyen on the Arctic Svalbard archipelago of the Arctic Ocean. It is the northernmost settlement in the world with a population of over a thousand people.


Introduction to the Norwegian capital, we started with the most famous park of the city, and perhaps the whole of Norway - Vigeland Sculpture Park ...

Norway, Bergen: a one-day "tour" of the fjords

"I used to see the fjords ..." I said an employee of the municipal tourist center. "You see, I came to Bergen for two and a half days, and now heard the sound about the fact that you have here nepodlaёku fjords. But where are they, I do not really know."

Utladalen - the deepest valley of the country

As you remember, in Flåm do nothing special - all transplanted to the ferry and go further. We sat in front of the ferry on the bus that took us to the border of the nature reserve "Utladalen Valley." The park has its own website. In Utladalene we planned to spend 2 nights in one of the tourist lodges Norwegian Tourist Association (Den Norske Turistforening). All information regarding accommodation was found on their website.


Kjeragbolten - this boulder, once smartly rolled over the plateau Kjerag, about to dive into the Lysefjord, but has not reached the goal, firmly stuck between two rocks. But he got more - a lot of tourists every year visit this place in about two hours drive from Stavanger, just to see this wonderful stone volume of about 5 cubic meters of hanging at an altitude of 984 meters on the fjord, or dare to enter it.

Norway January 2012

When normal people go to Norway? That's right - in the summer. But some go in the winter. ) And although the phrase "But if you come in the summer," I heard from the local multiple times, do not regret the trip.

A trip to the fjords

My little story I call "The trip to the fjords", because it is due to the fjords we went to Norway, but as it turned out, in addition to the fjords in the country has so much more interesting. I usually do not write reports on travel, do not keep some special card index of the facts, but in this case it's different. Norway - a country in which it is impossible not to fall in love.