
Heviz- small and cozy resort town, beautifully planted with flowers. Life it flows smoothly and slowly, because the rate of measured and calm here - people go smoothly, as if indeed somewhere to swim and no one anywhere not in a hurry. However, for the resort, it's the usual story.

Hungarian Rhapsody for piano and camera ... Budapest ...

This is probably a good idea to get into Budapest for the weekend, it was in the evening, when it begins to get dark, includes lights, streets and cafes filled with people and the city permeates the aura of the day.

Evening Budapest

New Year's Eve show our neighbors the capital, Budapest evening. The city is beautiful in the evening will give odds to many European capitals. Best and interesting that I saw in him - a picture of the evening. There is no need to look for some special location for filming, all the most beautiful and so close at hand.

Hungarian thermal springs Heviz, Balaton and Budapest around 4 days

Our trip to Hungary began heroically - once we have passed the security check, both on the scoreboard came the announcement that our flight is delayed for five hours! It turned out that in Hungary strike engineers serving the aircraft. Went to look for, where to wait.