The island of Finnish socialists and itchy killer whales

Malcolm Island is a small island in the north of Vancouver Island, where you need to get two ferries and drive a little more than 400 km. I probably would never have found out about its existence if my wife hadn’t been making fun of it on social networks.

Indian island Cormorant

A few miles off the western coast of mainland Canada, on the north side of Vancouver Island is the small Cormorant Island, where Native American culture is still alive and well. True, no one calls him that - everyone calls him by the name of his only settlement, which occupies almost the entire area - Alert Bay.

Okanagan Lake Valley

Mid-spring 2021, the eighteenth wave of coronavirus and the associated severe restrictions on travel in the province with roadblocks and the cancellation of ferries (this was not even in 2020) found us in the Northern Okanagan - having traveled pretty much the south of the valley, I suddenly realized that I had a very vague idea about her north. And here, for a minute, is the town of Vernon, which has been repeatedly named one of the most desirable places to live in retirement in Canada.

West Canada. Kootenay National Park. Marble canyon.

Our next trip is in September in Western Canada. Alberta and British Columbia. As usual, I am drawn away from widely advertised and massively visited places, so I planned our route so as to spend maximum time in beautiful and little-known places, away from the crowds.

Toronto 360. CN Tower

One of my favorite activities in any new city is to climb the highest point and look at the city from above. However, I am no exception, since there is one common adage on this subject. In Toronto, there is a wonderful point for panoramic views of the city - an observation deck on the CN Tower. This building with a height of 533 m - one of the highest in the world. The observation deck with a circular view is also very high - at the level of 346 m from the ground.

Day in Montreal

I managed to visit only two Canadian cities in Montreal and Quebec. Located close to each other, they seemed completely different to me. If Quebec resembles a fallen asleep provincial French urban-type settlement, then Montreal is what you get, decide someone to connect New York with Paris, i.e. completely explosive mixture!

Canada - America with a human face

Last year, I visited North America for the fourth time, this time including the second largest country in the world - Canada. Although I was only in the main cities and I did not see the depths of Canada, I can do a brief overview of this country.

Vancouver Island

As if there is not enough confusion between Vancouver in Canada and Vancouver being 500 miles from it, there is also the third Vancouver - a huge island that in good weather can even be seen from the city of Vancouver ... the one that the Canadian ... well, you understand ...


I'll tell you a little about Vancouver, a city in British Columbia, Canada, where I was lucky enough to live for more than two years.


Before I first came to Vancouver, I knew about the city only two things - the first: it is surrounded by the fantastic beauty - mountains with snow caps, forests with Indian totems and the ocean with the whales; Second, it is one of the five cities with the highest standard of living in the world, recently won first place. But it was necessary to call in the city and go through it, so that ruined for all its advantages.

Comfortable Vancouver

There are many eternal themes for debate: the chicken or the egg, Godzilla or King Kong, my brother will beat your dad, explosion or 6 days, etc. Do you want to spend an unforgettable evening? Put ontariytsa and britanskokolumbiytsa and ask them where the climate is better - in Toronto or Vancouver. Do not forget the popcorn!


Whenever I usually write the word of Vancouver, as here in the comments someone will ask about Victoria. Nate, get, sign. Going to Vancouver Island I knew about Victoria three things: 1) there are many retirees, 2) there are a lot of homeless people and 3) there are a lot of homeless seniors.


About nyufaundlendt citysens accepted in Canada veer jokes (almost like about the Chukchi in Soviet times). Although it is in Nyufike and retain this Canada, with incredibly kind people. Acquaintance told me how he did not have enough cash to pay for a taxi in St. John's. The taxi driver is not angry and said: Do not worry, pay tomorrow.

City sunniest islands. Toronto.

For almost two weeks in Toronto weather reigns spring. Spring is not timid, not modest and arrogant, calling on all sides smelling summer. Therefore take from last year's bins bicycle-travel size report about the glorious city of Toronto. The fact that Toronto is located on the shores of Lake Ontario, is known to all.

Vancouver, BC, Canada

Today I will talk about Canadian travel! In one day, we managed to see quite a lot. In a nutshell, we left at 6 am from Everett to 8 hours crossed the Canadian border, and at 10 pm we crossed it again, but in the direction of the United States already :)