The site is a non-profit project, all information contained on this website is absolutely free. The site is maintained by my own enthusiasm. If you are interested in cooperation in placing your ads on the site, or manufacture of the site or to order the program, you can write me at the email [email protected].
The project is designed for those who are not identified so far wants to recover in the next trip, or for those who, for one reason or another can not personally go on a tourist trip, but it can make a virtual free ride in your favorite country.The site is constantly updated catalog of webcams from around the world. It allows you to live to see what is happening in a particular spot on the globe. Your attention is drawn to the fact that some cameras may be temporarily unable to work due to technical reasons. Also, the cameras are updated at different intervals of time, from seconds to hours. Therefore, if the picture does not change for a long time, it does not mean that something is wrong. Some cameras are turned off at night and the last image can display the day, while it is night now. When viewing the webcam, do not forget about the time difference. Sveyryaytes with a map of Day and Night. Broken camera if possible remove, unfortunately not very often, because the verification process chambers long enough due to their large number. If you own the information on the webcam, which is not on this site, you can send a link to a page with a camera in my email [email protected].
Also, there are sections with a brief description of the country, articles on each state, descriptions of resorts and attractions. These sections are regularly replenished. If you have your own articles, and you do not mind to post them on this site, send me email [email protected] your offer with an indication of the inverse contact information for further cooperation.
Add your articles on this site is absolutely voluntary and therefore not rewarded financially. The only reward you will be my personal thank you and thank you from other visitors that information you provide will be helpful.
Also you can use Google Crome Extension Web cameras for Chrome. This extension allow you to view some random cameras from the site with selected interval and settings.