Life in the outback Netherlands

We went to the East of the Netherlands. There have agreed to meet up with friends who have had our tickets for the concert in Belgium. But it turned out this way: when buying a ticket, you can select only the paper version by mail, to entrust the delivery of tickets EMS Russia - it's like that in the trash discarded. Therefore, we took advantage of the European postal service and send tickets to friends in the Netherlands.

Kinderdijk - Village Mill

Perhaps the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word "Holland" is a mill. In our minds firmly established this association. So we definitely want to see this national symbol, and not one - two mills, which are found along the road, and the whole complex! To do this, we went to the village of Kinderdijk (Kinderdijk), where back in the XVIII century, was built a system of 19 windmills, they can be seen today.


I do not understand people who go to the city, feels full of mushrooms and to smoke marijuana. I am very glad that survived the age of doubt "pervootkryvany" and was able to discover this city is not as frantic teenager, eager for adventure. And, in general, all these freedoms are advertised Dutch tourist gimmick rather concentrated in a few blocks in the city center, where you will be given a weak smoke grass and stare at the prostitutes who have pulled out all the money before you see at least a boob.

As we rested in the Netherlands

What associations you are having with a country like Holland? Windmills, tulips and marijuana. So it was with us before our trip, but that changed after - summed up at the end of the post. Our journey is tied to the defense of a thesis of our friend, whom I mentioned in my article PhD - the road to Europe.