How I rode the Great Ocean Road in Australia

The Great Ocean Road is an iconic road route and one of the most scenic trails in the world. Australia is made for road travel. Good roads, long distances, beautiful views. Along the busy trails, there is always a place to have coffee, snacks and rest.

Australia is a magical land on the edge of the world

So, a review of the last continent, where I visited, is distant and difficult to access for Russians in Australia. There is an opinion that this is a very expensive country, even in the “Eagle and Lattice”, each series about Australia begins with the moans leading to the fact that they have to live half-starving. In fact, it turned out that at the current exchange rate, Australia is a country of the middle price category, something like Spain or Greece. Given the presence of numerous low-cost flights there from Southeast Asia, we get a great place to travel (well, if not a visa).

The best city in the world. Sydney, Australia

There are cities in which you want to return again and again. Sydney - one of them. I have been there more than once, but each time this city inspires and fascinates. The age-old competition for primacy between Sydney and Melbourne runs with varying success, but regularly both city recognized as one of the most liveable. Melbourne, of course, very good, but in my personal ranking of Sydney still wins.

Golden Coast

Today, summer, gloomy, gray ... so Petersburg rainy day especially strongly want to feel the fresh smell of the ocean waves, the cry of gulls, and the delicate softness of the sandy beaches.

Phillip Island

Generally on this island, we spent two days, but I will try to keep within one post. Phillip Island is located in close proximity to the mainland and it is not necessary to go on the ferry, as there is a bridge connecting