One day in Tallinn

During the raging flu virus, every journey becomes a difficult test for the psychological state. You look not so much at the list of attractions as at the reports from the fields of medical battles. In this regard, my August visit to Latvia and Estonia seemed ideal. The virus spared these countries and nothing interfered with a quiet tourist vacation. I spent most of the trip in my native Riga, but I allotted only one day to Tallinn. Let's see what I managed to see there.

Helsinki from the sea, from the air, and a little history

Helsinki - the capital of the unusual. City all the time at the hearing: in his honor named the Moscow Helsinki Group, are regularly held various summits and meetings, hosted the Olympic Games and Eurovision. The existence of Helsinki is known to all, no worse than the existence of Rome, Paris or New York, but if Rome is associated with the Colosseum, Paris with the Eiffel Tower, and New York with the Statue of Liberty, the Helsinki the average person is not associated with anything.

Ferry Tallinn-Helsinki

The distance from Tallinn to Helsinki by sea - only 80 kilometers. Overland comes exactly ten times more, in addition, across the border with Russia, not part of the Schengen area, so it was logical that 97% of passengers between the two capitals rests on the ferries.


In November, I went on a day trip to Tallinn. Travel schedule was very tight and free time almost was not. On the day of departure, I got up early in the morning and managed to the plane a few hours to run through the old town with a camera. Photo report attached.