Zbarazh Castle

On the way from the Pochaev Lavra, we stopped at the Zbarazh castle. After all, it was here that the dramatic events of the confrontation between Cossack and Polish troops took place, described by Henryk Sienkiewicz in the novel “Fire and Sword”, which were filmed by the world famous director Jerzy Hoffman.

Bus fleet number 7

Somewhere in the outskirts of the Kiev left bank, a unique bus fleet No. 7 was lost — the largest motor transport enterprise on the left bank. 40 years ago, our ancestors tried to implement in it the most advanced solutions that were then available in the former Union. Now he is on the verge of extinction. The highlight of the park is an unusual covered parking lot resembling a circus building where hundreds of buses once slept. Now the building is in disrepair and will soon be dismantled.

Why go to Bukovel without skis

Quit smoking - get up on skis, says popular wisdom. And if you do not go to extremes, then we change the habit of “smoking” to the habit of “floating” and go to the ski slope in the off season. A budget for the purchase of skis, you can safely lower on the road: in Lviv or numerous Hutsul "kolybah."

Autumn in the mountains of Ukraine. Carpathians

This year has already become the most active in my life. As I thought to myself on January 1 that I would earn less, but I would see more in this world, it turns out. Apart from numerous cities, for the first time I managed to see autumn at once in 2 mountain systems of Ukraine - the Carpathians and the Crimea. What and tell below.

A list of visa-free countries for Ukrainians

A list of visa-free countries for Ukrainians 2015 year

Airport Kiev (IEV) in Juliani

I must say that this time I flew Vizzeyrom in the new terminal of the airport Kiev (code GDS) and was impressed. After these airports for low-cost (such as Lubeck, Bremen) - only positive emotions. This is not a hut with a banner stretched roof and wooden floors.

Vylkove. Ukrainian Venice

Vylkove very interesting place, the edge, though familiar to tourists but they did not spoiled.


Today I will tell you about the wonderful city of Kamenetz-Podolsk, which is located in the Khmelnitsky region of Ukraine. He is known, of course, primarily for its spectacular medieval castle, and famous enough that before coming here I thought that in addition to the castle there is not much to watch it :) But, as it turned out, the city gives the impression of not only the castle, but and its amazingly beautiful old town.