Bus fleet number 7

Somewhere in the back of the left bank of Kiev lost a unique bus fleet №7 - the largest motor company left bank. 40 years ago, our ancestors tried to implement it in the most innovative solutions, which were then available in the former Soviet Union. Now he is on the verge of extinction. The highlight of the park is an unusual covered parking, resembling circus building, where once slept hundreds of buses. Now the building is in disrepair and it can be disassembled soon.
If you look at territriyu №7 AP via Google-map, the eye catches a large circular building with an extension more traditional rectangular shape. This is the main feature of the park.
1. But everything in order. Bus park is located at ul. Borispol, 15. From the inhabitant of the park buildings may well consider except that 9-storey administrative building, the rest almost completely hidden behind a fence.
2. Checkpoint:
3. themed reliefs preserved building with posters of Soviet factories automotive industry, as well as figurines of cars and people:
5. Inside the building opposite the entrance is another bas-relief, which can be identified by some cities FSU and beyond. This bas-relief represents those areas which are served by the park.
6. Well, the park early in the literal sense of the word serves all of Ukraine. The company emerged in 1973. It accommodated up to 5 columns, including long distance and even international. Now there were only municipal flights. For long-distance transport are a couple of modern man-holes, which carry out occasional transport of passengers.
7. It looks quite normal fleet. Once upon a time it was filled with Icarus, and now basically Bogdanov and trucks bring.
8. Thin and not so little yellow series machines:
10. MAZ-105 and an automatic car wash, which is a long time does not work. Machines now simply wash with water from hoses.
11. Repair of the ditch, where the cars were, and continue to undergo inspections and maintenance:
12. Paint shop:
14. Dying Volvo, which until recently ran through the streets of the city. If desired, they could be made to run and more - machinery condition allowed. Although these machines for more than 30 years, in the opinion of the park workers, they were much more reliable than domestic ones.
15. Skeleton Volvo. Old buses are gradually dismantled to recycle:
16. "Buried Volvo - broke two accordions."
17. On the territory of the fleet there are all sorts of rare Soup:
18. Shed of the door wings Icarus:
19. There is a park and has its own fire brigade.
20. Generally, to equip the park was once ahead of the rest: it even had its own plant for the production of glass for Icarus. Now the park is well characterizes the overall Kievpasstransa.
21. Well, we finally got to the covered parking lot, where he once spent the night buses.
22. The building is circular in shape and was nicknamed "Circus" or "drum".
23. What seems to be the metal shutters or metal profile, in fact, glass tubes, through which the inside is sunlight.
24. "circus" together with the adjacent sink and repair shops has multiple entrances which allow most convenient to maneuver between the key objects park.
25. Let's look at last inside.
26. Only here is fully opened and the full extent of the uniqueness of the object:
27. Diameter "circus" -. 160 m parking could accommodate approximately 300 buses.
28. Like a huge mushroom on a concrete leg:
29. Construction of a unique design, between walls "circus" and a central tower-supported tensioned cables 186, which are mounted on concrete slabs dome.
30. There was thus obtained a huge space area of ​​about 20 sq. M. meters with a single pillar in the middle.
31. This ensures complete freedom of maneuver buses, as well as a choice of convenient bus scheme of arrangement. Covered parking, room with washing and repair shops to simplify and reduce the time for bus service, as well as to prepare for the issuance of the line.
32. Due to the large windows in the walls and many windows in the dome, inside the "circus" pretty light day.
33. Here is the Dome "circus" outside. On top of it is seen the upper part of the hood, by which once the exhaust gases removed from the "circus".
35. On the roof is partially preserved the original folding box with counterweights:
37. Between the garage and administrative building even has an underground passage, to minimize the number of people scurrying between the maneuvering of the bus fleet, and at the same time and avoid walking staff under inclement weather. But he acted briefly and won laziness: the descent into the transition took away a few more seconds during the acceptance of the car and the drivers just ignore the transition.
38. Several pictures full time job parking. Since then a lot has changed since the collapse of the Union of the park fell into disrepair, and now the unique building is in disrepair, and should soon be destroyed.
40. "Circus" From this angle is very clear, you can estimate the size:
41. Probably some kind of leaflet:
43. As you may have noticed, the "circus" in spite of its emergency state bus stand. But none does not work and a de facto parking lot is now used as a large transport "morgue".
44. The chance of salvation is only in this 250 th Icarus, which hypothetically could go to the museum of urban transport. However, the existing museum while causing a lot of complaints.
45. IMHO, by itself, "Circus" is a perfect place for such a museum. If desired, here you can shove and trams - technically it is all solved. But the restoration of the building probably need a tidy sum, and most importantly, the desire to do it.
46. ​​"Circus" is waiting for his fate and some special equipment:
47. In addition, Volvo's dying, there is already there and a couple of MAZ, and Bogdan ...
49. Along the wall there are many Icarus. More recently, they can be found on intercity routes.
51. Here's a he - once a monument of engineering and our mismanagement.
PS Thanks to AP administration №7 and tour organizers for the opportunity to visit the park.