Lanzarote. Viewpoint Mirador del Rio

In the northern part of Lanzarote, in the upper part of the Risco de Famara massif at an altitude of 474 meters, on the top of the cliff, there is an observation deck - Mirador del Rio. It offers views of Lanzarote's volcanoes, beaches, the endless ocean and an excellent view of the islet of La Graciosa. All details with photos under the cut.

Gran Canaria, highways GC-200

The brightest of the harsh beauty of the ocean views are on the western and south-western side of the island. It takes a spectacular route along the vertical cliffs over deep-ever storm spaciousness.

Gran Canaria - an island of contrast reincarnation!

Imagine a place where summer lives all year round, the sun accompanies you everywhere 365 days, and a few kilometers from the golden sands of the desert on the Atlantic Ocean bordered by breathtaking mountain peaks. This, of course, Gran Canaria, multifaceted continent in miniature, where the impossible becomes possible!

Gran Canary Chronicles

After Madrid I headed to the Canary Islands. Friends, rest here every year, insisted that I must see the most magical island in the world - Gran Canaria. No, it is not littered with wonderful grass, opening the third eye. A unique place in that a distance of only several kilometers completely adjoin different climatic zones.

Santiago de Compostela

It is difficult to write about the city, where the past lives on a par with the present and the future, and religion should be behind you on all its old streets ... The more I wanted to finally write about it, the harder it was to start because too much had to understand itself, too much to explain too many characters to find.

Tossa de Mar

This entry should come to the aid of someone wave beach tourism brought somewhere to desert the Spanish coast, well, for example, to a distant and mysterious Costa Brava ...   Recording light as a continental breakfast. Packaging Option - takeaway ...


Until recently, I heard that in Spain and Bulgaria have almost the same name of the city - whether Burgos, whether Burgas. And over the last year by chance (due to fog in Sofia), I visited both of these cities, and now I know: in Bulgaria - Burgas, and in Spain - Burgos ...

Streets of Madrid

Going to Madrid, we certainly have acquired a guide and not one. But here's a mishap almost all guidebooks reported that Madrid is one of the youngest cities in the center of the peninsula, that the historical part of the city you can cross the length and breadth easy step three hours. That Madrid did not see anything down sshibatelnogo, except that of the royal palace and the Prado Museum. All this leads to confusion and raises the question - "Is it possible?"

Canary Islands. General information.

In the trip we went with our friends, for whom it was a honeymoon, well, they took us to the load. Travel as usual was organized completely independently. As destinations were chosen Canary Islands, the desire to newlyweds, we especially do not argue. But everything in the queue.