At the very north of North America. The birthplace of the gold rush.

I am in the capital of the Yukon - White Horse (whether "in", or "on»), Whitehorse. And the name of the city so not because there is such a delicious drink) said that as the Indians called it, because the thresholds of the Yukon (River) resemble fluttering manes of their horses. It is from here and begin the journey to the Klondike, rather, on the Klondike (same river) .


Many houses preserved from the beginning of the last century

And the same name, this, paddle steamer, restored, but never started sailing again, because of low bridges built, meets arrived on the shores of the Yukon (translated means - Large water).
By the way, it's all done on the inside of this 30th !! ! He once drove hoping to become rich, and vice versa in Dawson City and back.

The legendary steamship Klondike prospectors hope

The city has been sharpened by hoping and traveling and ostalsya.Ob testify prices for all! Motel 140 Petrol-1.39 Rubber, Set, size 16 - 600 Replacement (work) - 240 !!! Rent bikes - 200 Day Shipping Moto 440 km - 1500

The owner is a great guy, did not blink, taking $ 240 per shift rubber and rubber 600 !!!!

Prices - this is no joke!

It seems to change tires, all the inhabitants of this city are sure that once you're there, it just lathered somewhere something!
But in fairness it should be noted, the number of trained jeeps, kayaks, motorcyclists simply gives uzhos for the nature of the Yukon!

No more bitch!

Motorcyclists - darkness !!! All the bars in the Northern Territory and Alaska

Until I changed the tires come in large numbers labor bikers dream about this ... Indiana (I did not invent - they said it)

Place of pilgrimage for motorcyclists in the Yukon

Only at me for an hour, came to the studio nearly a dozen motorcycles. Just this last reference point in the Yukon, Alaska, there are in Anchorage (1100km). Everything else - the settlements in the 2-3 family. Or village around gas stations and motels. The town is very decent, there are even dealers Kia, Honda and Polaris. Shops sorts. And over the city all the time fly fighters, because here the base of the Royal Canadian Air Force.

So sell motorcycles

This showroom Kawasaki dealer

Snowmobiling in rents

The group in front of the Palace of Justice - waiting for justice?

House and build of sandwich panels, not steaming! But it turns out! Winter is something in the Yukon is!

The first building Whitehorse

Moose ... just moose

People understand a lot about cars, pay attention to the number of cans

Population properly diluted Indians (First Nations). They look as we present to the cinema. But a lot of looks unpresentable, moreover, a stable group of drinks about Likerstora (alkomag) and begging for booze.
However, the Indians are found everywhere - in police uniform, and in the store and on the host machine. The cost of First Nations crafts are just prohibitive! Tambourine -500-800 Moccasins small paddle-300-400-350 Looks like a tourist pret!

Paddle a small (10 to 40 cm) in just $ 350

Tambourine - 800

Loafers - 350

Moccasins high - 400      

Necklace and belt - 370

Just paddle - 39

Hides a lot of different beautiful

Judging by the advertising signs, the city has it all! ....
Even Variety for cowboys or there truckers.

Wonderful place in the style of Lilly

Life and Entertainment at the beginning of the last century

Trap more

Trap less

Visual aid on alluvium gold and sample

Monument gold miners, prospectors and I (I left!)

A lot of hotels, different, traveled 7 before he could settle down! All busy! Sold out. In general, there is still begins the path of adventurers. And they are! A lot. So nobody steamed, all nebystro. Rubber changed 3 hours! I like the effect that produces Indiana - "wow!" Says the owner of the motorcycle set - cool, I first saw the Indian here! Wow! Cool! The first time I see a person here from Russia! Wow! On a motorcycle! And by the way, the majority of motorcyclists with great respect talking about Indian and highly praised, and half-fathers grandfathers went to the Legend. And it's not funny!
