At the very north of North America. Master and golden hands.

Looks poorer Ontario. Roads worse, but the border provinces to Winnipeg - straight arrow in 2 lanes on each side of the movement! Visibility million in a million!

Around the landscape, strongly reminiscent of central Russia. Field. Birches. River. Heat, 27.
Around fully Indians and Chinese. COMPLETE! They say they are a program to attract foreigners. But here's the 25,000 Russian and Chinese 125000 - do not seem to know what they are doing!

Cafe - a joke) Or, conversely, sad ((Ate, brought through, much has been written. The amount differs from the intended menu for $ 7 (I ask ?! answer - not a ride ...
At the gas station filled, which began at the reserve, 18 liters . Prior to this, more than 17 never entered! Lies and deception. Money and power. Sex and violence - rule the world. All of Canada Trade-covered posts. Here are selling something that touched the hand or other body part of one of the First Nations. The Indians, in our opinion. For example, moccasins cost $ 45, and if they suddenly were holding hands first, then the time - and 75!

Saw - $ 145-290

Mittens $ 65. Saw $ 145

Mittens with beads. $ 300

Slippers moccasins. $ 75-130

Paddle-$ 290

But from the paddle canoes, costs $ 35, but the local red-painted on it and the dream !!!!! - Is pleasant for him 450. Because - beautiful! I will not paddle ..... (((