Tsindunlin - the grandeur of the last empire of China.

Eastern Qing Dynasty tombs or Tsindunlin located 125 km north-east of Beijing. Tsindunlin necropolis is one of the largest cemeteries in imperial China. Here are buried five Qing emperors, empresses 15 and 136 concubines. The complex has an area of 80 square meters. km. Almost all the tombs are well preserved, although three burials were plundered during the civil war in China in 1928. This has made them accessible to tourists, so now Tsindunlin most informative historical necropolis, where you can explore the imperial mausoleums, not only outside but also inside. The only penetrated by the well-known imperial tomb is Tsindunlina in China - the mausoleum of Ming Emperor Wanli, located in the necropolis Shisanlin, near Beijing.

Pyramids of China

The name of the "pyramid" stuck over the burial mounds of the Chinese emperors and their officials. This is largely justified, as these burial hills were in the form of a truncated pyramid, although there were other options burials Chinese nobility.