London is the capital of Great Britain

Anyone who has any idea about the English language knows a simple phrase: "Hello!", "How are you?" and, of course, "London is the capital of Great Britain". Last year, I managed to visit the Albion and plunge into the atmosphere of one of the greatest cities in the world. The UK government has until recently has kindly granted the right to stay in the country visa-free for up to 24 hours, which I took advantage, resulting from Tenerife to Moscow. 1. Coming from the airport (in my case it Luton) on the outskirts of "Greater London" you can see a lot of typical English houses. For example, such:

2. Or those of red brick, which is found mainly in England.

3. We pass by the house-museum of the famous detective in the world - Sherlock Holmes in the street Baker Street. As it turned out, the house was the fictional 221B Conan Doyle, but decades after the publication of the books, the city went to meet the many fans of the detective and the building standing on Baker Street near the houses 231 and 232 received the correct address. Despite the fact that Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson (Watson or still?) "Came out" at the end of the 19th century, all of the fans who want to touch the beloved characters stretched for many tens of meters.

4. In the center of the number of people on the streets is shocking. According to official figures, London is home to 8.4 million people, but the feeling that they are all right around you.

5. More than 45 million tourists from around the world visited the capital of Great Britain every year.

6. It is necessary to turn aside a little and people is becoming smaller.

7. It is impossible to imagine London without a red buses and red phone booths, but few people know why they are exactly the same color. In the 19th century the city because of the huge number of furnaces and pipes, soot released into the air, was immersed in the strongest smog. Often the appearance of the city does not even reach 10 meters, so that happened a lot of traffic proishestviy, particularly involving buses. To members of the movement have been more visible, it was decided to make the entire passenger transport red. Since the color of buses has become a "chip" in London.

8. One of the most famous and expensive hotels in the world Savoy. Double room costs about 50 thousand rubles per night.

9. Well-known throughout the world mazagin toys Hamleys. It was opened in 1760. During World War II, the store was not closed and sellers in helmets stood at the entrance, azbegaya inside to bring toys and give them to customers.

10. London's National Gallery. The fourth most visited museum in the world (more than 6 million people a year) was opened in 1824. Now there are about 2000 samples of Western European painting XXIII-XX centuries.


11. St. Paul's Cathedral. The first wooden church was built on this place in the year 605, and a modern building (1708go year) is already the fifth in a row.

12. Westminster Abbey - a place of coronation of British monarchs, weddings and funerals. Also, there is stored the ashes of such well-known personalities like Sir Isaac Newton, Charles Dickens and Charles Darwin.

13. The residence of British Prime Minister James Cameron. Downing Street, 10. Unfortunately, this building can be seen only through a fence. Lots of cops and the checkpoint. Still, in the hands of the prime real empire!

14. Buckingham Palace - the residence of British monarchs. It is said, is now in poor condition and requires serious restoration.

15. And this is the balcony from which the entire royal family welcomed their subjects during special events.

16. Tower of Queen Elizabeth. Yes Yes. This is not Big Ben! Big Ben - is a huge bell, which is located in the clock tower. At the time of casting the bell was the largest in the world.

17. Palace of Westminster. The most recognizable building in London, and England. There are meetings of the British Parliament.

Unfortunately, the weather is not pleased, so the impression of the city turned out quite blurry. Of course, you need to visit in London, but I would go there again - I do not know ...