Pitcairn Islands 2/4

The facial expression of a man coming to mail packages, you can understand. This - post on Pitcairn Island in the South Pacific Ocean. It delivers correspondence only four times a year - because on this island has no airport, and cargo-ship MV Claymore II (MV = Motor Vessel) comes here from New Zealand just four times a year

Strictly speaking, having arrived on a quarterly basis on Pitcairn from New Zelendii, MV Claymore II makes 2 more flight with passengers on the French island of Mangareva, but in this case the mail is not delivered. What seems to be saying, and optionally postscript to the recipient's address when sending mail from Pitcairn to the outside world - via New Zealand and now Pitcairn Saint Helena formally similar: both volcanic island in the tropics - self-governing overseas territory of the UK; on both no airfields up to them to go by sea (here - 36 hours, at St. Helena - 5 days); on both the economy and the population in the ass is gradually reduced; both represent a burden for the British Treasury. But the circumstances in which they received Velikobirataniya and colonized, are fundamentally different: because of what at the site can clearly see that in everyday life, in the economy, traditions and ways of society between the islands is no general Saint Helena had great for the UK's economic, military and strategic value - with colonization in the 1650s and until the mid-19th century - sailing suhodstvo supposed natorgovye wind and the island was a key point on the route of sailing: refueled on the island, were repaired, treated and traded. Jamestown was built as a typical rich trading city of those times, with stone houses and forts around. Steamers killed sailboats and significance of St. Helena for Britain disappeared, but the traditional order of things to a certain extent preserved. UK supplied the entire history of the island St. Helena food, things, the plant in, money; postal gruzovoya line from the island to the mainland has never been interrupted, and the import of products and goods, which is 99.9% believe the economy of St. Helena, never stopped Pitcairn as Britain was accidental due to the rebels, the island has never had economic value, so the British in past centuries never about the island and its population did not care. Throughout its history column is provided herself: c 1790 and almost to the end of the 20th century on the island ate and drank only what is produced on site, and the life and houses were built only from scrap materials. Back in the 60s Demographics of the Pitcairn Islands traded with the crews of passing ships in the 18th century - getting on board almost random collection of things! Now Pitcairn Government consecutive MV Claymore II 4 cargo flights to the island each year. Through the pages of guidebooks still roams the assumption that the Demographics of the Pitcairn Islands like a present household stuff, although these days it is not so - trade directories, even with delivery 4 times a year, well covers all domestic needs and even gradually destroys the need for Here it is local products, MV Claymore II, stands on the roads Pitcairn until the goods with her ​​transferred to a boat:

MV Claymore II village opposite the MV Claymore II called Adamstown - the only settlement on the island of 2 x 3 km. Wiki believes in Adamstown lives of 48 people - the entire population of the island. But I saw on Pitcairn house on the hill, clearly detached from the main village, so Wikipedia or lying, or Adamstown area occupies almost the entire island or no bother (I vote for option №3)

MV Claymore II and SRV Discovery Here's a cool thing, like a map Shvambranii - Adamstown travel plan that gets every guest Pitcairn on arrival. It would be very cool if it was painted on the album pages pen and colored markers; umerennno would be cool if it was raskarshennaya pens black and white photocopies. Alas, the reality is disappointing: it otkserenny on a color copier drawing pens: globalization destroys the identity of Pitcairn faster than China Tibet in Adamstown lack of strong names. In the city there are only 4, but it is very steep: Landing at Bounty Bay (The ONLY bay on the island - there live barges), The Edge (cliff overlooking the Bounty Bay), Hill of Difficulty (steep road connecting the city to the port in Bounty Bay) and Down Issacs (on the map is not marked). Black dots - at home. Inscriptions next - or the names of inhabitants, or the function of the building (Store / Generator / Doctor) Road allocated red, the only paved, all the rest - a primer. Marked with asterisks are public toilets, and the Red Cross, predictably, - first aid kit (relief in a very hilly, and until power is not exhausted, it is necessary to find a first aid kit and "eat" it)

That's a reference to the views of the Adamstown height Ship Landing Point (not to be confused with the Landing at Bounty Bay, which pier)

But the house where we were taken in by local residents: Located in the heart of Adamstown, opposite the main square, which is due to the lack of names is simply called the Square (e-mail, of course, located just on the Square)

View on the Square of the way - the area is located on a hill

Now the central square of Adamstown blocked light roof, which has increased its functionality, but killed 100% of charm: feel like a school gym around the square with buildings Seventh Day Adventist Church, a post office, the court, Secretary's Office (Island Secretary - one of the posts in the local legislative power) and the Public Hall

Sources about life on Pitcairn say that in the main square Adamstown should be a bell, hitting that mark the key events on the island (well, like, one hit - Picture Show, six short strokes - the appearance of the vessel at anchorage; 12-15 strokes - someone death; 20 short strokes - the birth). I think that nowadays everything is wrong. In the first, the bells I counted 3: two in the main square and another near the police, in the second, today is much safer working wired telephone (in every home), VHF radio (in every home ) or board advertisement

The only church on the island belongs to the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Adventism missionaries brought here in the 1890s, along with all the fun external manifestations, following the doctrine of a literal understanding of the Old Testament: the prohibition of alcohol, pork and honoring the Sabbath Today, there are almost no religious residents, so a ban on alcohol left in the past, and pork won, because too tasty and cost effective Preserved six-day working week with one day off - Saturday, but it is not very conspicuous: the rustic way of life, as in Pitcairn, every day you have to do something around the house, the store opened only 3 times a week offices and businesses are open for a couple of hours or days opredelnie or "on demand"

Pitcairn Islands General Post Office in the mail - a rare Marochko. I bought exclusive brands and sent home elitist mail, which will arrive well if a block

CAUTION Letters containing money or other enclosure of value should be taken into the post office and registered. Such letters, if posted unregistered will be registered and charged double fee.

Secretary's Office

This - Public Hall (Club). There are going to the people for the common dinner, a movie or a concert (if any). In front of him - a real anchor and cannon from HMS Bounty

In addition to the advertisement boards, visual agitation and work students have free access pablikholla VHF radio

Previously, there was a cinema, but now white screen in retirement, and in its place - a large plasma TV. If you bring any recordings with you, be sure they are PAL format and DVD region 4 (or bring your own DVD player), as the locals' equipment supports those standards (not NTSC or other DVD regions), writes wikitravel

Found a first aid kit!

That's what the picture:
1) Window for film projector
2) Norfolk Island recall here because the British wanted 2 times to "close" the island and all its inhabitants to move to a more economically viable place - for the first time in Tahiti, and the second time on the Australian island Norfolk but most of the Demographics of the Pitcairn Islands, each time returning home (in Norfolk still has a population associated with Pitcairn related, linguistic and cultural ties)
3) The walls are hung with pablikholla plaques to commemorate the visit of different koabley, here - with a sailboat Søren Larsen
4) and More proof that the outlet on Pitcairn - Australia and New Zealand (240V / 50Hz):

Projectionist booth

Was attached to the outside of the booth Public Hall'u later; toilet for all public buildings on the Square in the street

(Flag - from the Isle of Man, one more fun, but easily accessible artifact of the British Empire)

Public Hall - the first and last place on the island where I met the British royal family portraits. Residents of contemporary British microcolonies experience to the metropolis mixed feelings

A rare event: this Friday at the Public Hall and the Square - a common lunch! Everyone is preparing something at home and puts on a common table. After lunch wishing sing in the church in honor of the arrival of Saturday :) What I disorienting in Adventism, so that's how you can celebrate on Saturday and plump? In this sense, Judaism is much more thought out

Mike Warren, the mayor of the island:

The museum is located above the area more, you have to climb the stairs. No working hours. To get inside, you have to find the young man working the keeper and ask open

This - the museum. Museum - not interested. It is interesting that every house on the island (even the toilet in a box type chicken coop!) Equipped with a system to collect rainwater from the roof and tanks for storing it - this water is used and for washing, and cooking on the island there are two sources of water, but in a drought Both dry. By the time we arrived on the island, the drought was 4 months: sources have dried up, but the water [Stored in tanks] was available yet absolutely no restrictions

In drought dirt roads on the island are covered by the finest dust, something like this, which churned up the astronauts on the Moon

City Island and the entire history of the colony were built of sticks and ropes (literally), so the material history of the poor. Here are the ruins of the house of a man named Thursday October Christian I (Thrusday October Christian, son of Fletcher Christian). He is remembered and revered local: it is the ancestor of all modern Demographics of the Pitcairn Islands with the name Christian. Under his portrait in the museum Pitcairn says that he is in 1814 with the change of the calendar (the Gregorian?) Changed his name - on Friday October Christian (Friday October Christian) !!!! 111

The emergence of MV Claymore II causes wild vanity and makes residents despise Saturday. Everything fit to work the adult population is engaged in overdrive TMC from the ship to the shore by boat. Pitcairn alive the concept of "public works" for the benefit of the commune - miss work and you will be fined exorbitant $ 500

Unloading of goods at General Store:

The whole town is filled with unloaded right at home special containers, small size:

Slow Down // Speed Camera

Feverishly to unload, MV Claymore II IMMEDIATELY dumps, having been on the roads of Pitcairn, well if 6 hours. A short stop in port in English is called to call, and long (eg overnight) - to stop