Taman Negara National Park

Gerald Durrell said that man is happy in the jungle twice: when he first gets into the rain forest, and when you select from this hell :) I've always wanted to check on the sincerity of the words of the old naturalist and explorer. To do this, we Svetka went to the National Park Taman Negara - the largest portion of the primary jungle in mainland Malaysia.

To get there, you have to leave in the evening of Kuala Lumpur in a small provincial town Jerantut, which would have remained unknown, if not served as a "gateway" to the Taman Negara. In Jerantut should spend the night and early in the morning to get to the pier where boats go to Kuala Tahan - a small village in the heart of the national park. There we were going to be deployed.  Arriving early in the morning to the pier, we were somewhat surprised by the color of the water. In all the numerous rivers, rivulets and streams of the national park is orange, only in very small rivulets water is clear and you can drink it.

Quickly loaded onto the board with your feet above your head (and on another in the damn boat not to stay), set sail :)

I was unable to pass it in the photos, but the boat sails really fast, then snuggling close to one shore and then to another. Deftly steering the meeting minutes floating logs and rocks sticking out of the water, and in the shallows and rapids passengers splash spray.

Sail, by the way, as much as three hours, so that at the end of the legs completely numb and I started to suspect that Darrell was right ..

The village of Kuala Tahan - a whole world of water: restaurants, marinas, boats, hotels on the landing stage. We quickly fit into the hotel and decided to take a walk on the first day of light - to reach the hanging bridges, which are laid under the trees.

The trail is very decent: a broad, almost dry, it is not such a path was waiting for us tomorrow with a hike in the depths of the jungle. However, this later :)

But themselves suspended walkways. They are long, 30-40 meters each, and between the trees made the station, where you can take pictures droop and the surrounding landscape.

To the ground to fly away :)

Suddenly occurred uprising pupsikov did not allow us to go in reverse let walk, we went down to the river and waited for the boat. Waited again, swam to Kuala Tahan at dusk.

In the evening we waited freshly caught fish, exotic fruits and a long, long languid evening amid the noise of the jungle and the murmur of the river.

ps The next day we Rushed into the forest, met with cute baby animals, lives there. But these events deserve a separate post :)