This city, waking up looking at the clouds ...

Even the bottom of the entrance to the city of Todi, I began to shake, agitate and fever, like a dog before the hunt. I realized that I finally come true beauty! A climb up to the old town, decided that on this day I do not go anywhere. I wanted to feel this city, and this is a woman who does not understand it really, until you spend with her ​​evening, night and morning ...

Street, people, lasts, can not sleep ...

Perugia, the capital of Umbria, in spite of its architectural simplicity, I liked it. Ugly girl, priodevshis and make up, so someone will like. And from Perugia to attract tourists, having at hand such serious competitors as Todi and Orvietto (about them in the next post), the city all the time coming up with some holidays and festivals.