At the very north of North America. Her heart of gold.

Dawson City !!!
Approaching the source of wealth of many, but also the source of many troubles and misfortunes, you know, some work and perseverance were the basis of the welfare of those lucky few. The whole neighborhood along the river literally turned inside out! Remains of dredges, trucks and pumps, abandoned as useless, but about showing labor costs on their delivery here, amazing! Especially when you consider the rugged and greed population Klondike! Entirely reworked stone, gravel lies on the banks. Change in topography makes her look like a futuristic image worlds ... Recalling the impermanence of humanity to nature ... (((It is interesting that many of the production site is still in private hands, a lot of tablets -Privat Property, they say, do not meddle and you do not need to be upset after ... I can believe and try not to meddle.

Here washed Gold!

City entirely of wood, as if it was built specifically for the film adaptation of westerns! Those saloons, motels, mail, sheriffs, morticians and pharmacists. Only now, instead of cowboys - seekers adrenaline and sensations of this, the smell, which is still preserved in places.
It smells of sweat, perseverance, work, happiness, beauty, disappointment and hope at the same time! And it is not clear who and what is here will find that feel and receive, and that he would give in return ... Place - now!

Wooden sidewalks

Of course, now the city is geared for tourists. Attractions tours of places of past and present alluvium gold race for sledding, dining at the stake with a huge bunch of gnats and mosquitoes (everyone wants fresh meat!))) All is expensive, and can not be otherwise! Here the center of gold mining in Canada! His way, now mined hundreds of times more than before!

The decoration of the room Jack London in the house in which he had not even lived

Zolotomoechnaya machine

The very house Jack London

Struck by the diversity of extracted metal - form varies from fine sand to nuggets on 100- 200 grams! Moreover, at each site is strictly certain kind! That's how someone and lucky once - staked a decent site with nuggets and then enjoy as long as enable competitors and envious ... Until now, here are selling peacekeepers Smith and Wesson. And that is typical, quiet here ... now ...

Types namyvali gold

decoration town is unquestionable Masonic Temple. And still there from April to November every Thursday is going to take ...

Masonic Temple

Nice to hold in your hands the gold nuggets. It is strange to realize that you have on the palm rests studio apartment on the outskirts of St. Petersburg ... Gold bars for sale free! The incident - cheaper! Price from 6.5 to $ 12 per gram. I - did not have to ...

Gold bullion from an earth oven - nuggets

Indians in the field of gold sculpt things differently

in the city you can buy everything you need traveler - from soap to special equipment.
All population kindly and looking at each other with a sense of chosenness ... How many people in the world are trying to go the way of the miners? How many of them it was a success? Who got out of it right? What questions he asked himself - and what got answers ?! And who saw the places of worship of the golden calf, the birth of hopes and disappointments of modern golden calf .... ... in person!

Local Eskimos, just as our