Migrants captured London ...

Arrived yesterday in London, I go to the hotel and did not know the city! All Signs in Arabic, women go veiled, men in some smocks. Instead of beer and traditional English fish & chips to smoke hookahs and eating falafel. What happened to my favorite London? At what point does this happen?

Recently, the topic of migrant excites the old Europe. Some say that nothing terrible happens, and digest Europe and not even notice the next several million refugees, while others predict an end to the Europe that we know. Let's see what has become London ... 01. Exchange Rates ... In addition to the major currencies in London you will change quietly Saudi Arabian Riyal and UAE dirham.

02. All the signs are now duplicated in Arabic.

03. On the streets there was a bunch of advertising clamshells.

04. On the "Subway" is now label "Halal" at the entrance. Yes, even global fastfood forced to adapt to the rapidly changing world of ...

05. All in Arabic.

06. Do you want to rent a property? Learn Arabic.

07. Fruits

08. Supermarkets now also halal. English bekonchika not buy.

09. Some places do not bother to English signs, because the British not enter here.

10. Street Cafe ...

11. Now all smoke hookahs.

12. A strange sight.

13. Sometimes you forget that you are in London.

14. Only the double-decker buses return you to reality.

15. The most popular name for a cafe - "Beirut".

16. Every other institution is now so called.


18. London now looks like

19. Fresh British press

20. In fairness it should be noted that National Geographic is still possible to buy ... What else is British, but to travel?




23. Sellers electronics quickly adjusted to the tastes of new residents of London.

24. In place of the British austerity and impeccable taste came ugly kitsch and bad taste.

25. Now, in the Arab fashion show-off.

26. Classic


28. Phone booths have become a repository for junk migrants. Well, actually, the Arabs had nothing to do with it. Just come to this place buses from Europe, in particular Bulgaria and Romania, and in booths hide their bags shuttles.

29. A terrible picture. And it is on the corner of Hyde Park! This Is London we deserve?

30. But let's get back to the Arabs. Migrants brought to London not only the tradition but also the machine!

Total in Britain has more than 10,000 Muslim millionaires, only liquid assets are estimated at more than 3.5 billion pounds. In London alone 13,500 works of Muslim businesses, and that about 70 000 jobs. Arabs owned 33% of all small and medium enterprises in London. In the elite Mayfair district of London Muslims constitute one-tenth of buyers. But apart from those who are trying to build a business in the UK, there are many workers who are looking for entertainment. It is believed that most of the Arabs coming from Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates in the summer to avoid the heat. As a rule, they occupied in hotels with their entire families and often remove the entire floor. By the way, maids and other staff Arabs enjoy a good reputation as a generous tip left more than other guests. At the same time the sheikhs and their families is considered normal that every family member has a personal servant. Sometimes Arab families for some reason, bring with them a whole wardrobe or jewelry bags. 31. Most now have the chic rooms Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain and Kuwait. Emirates is also highly rated. British media write that the penalties prescribed only vehicles from the UAE, brings to the treasury 30,000 pounds a year.

32. British numbers are now only go rogue and queen.

33. Children Sheikh.

34. If you do not have time to take the car home in London, you can always buy a new one. Selection of migrants is huge.

35. For every taste and color. In London walks story about how some Arab owner of the Lamborghini Aventador placed on the windshield of the announcement of the sale of the vehicle, with the Arabic. They say, in Dubai on this machine has already lined up a 20-month waiting list. Another Arab sheikh sent the Lamborghini Murcielago LP640 for an oil change from Qatar to London and back. Maintenance cost about 3500 pounds, and transportation - 20 000 pounds.

36. All of the most expensive shops and restaurants are now praying to migrants, because they brought money. For Arabs usually go shopping in Selfridges, Harrods and Harvey Nichols, usually with the wives and daughters. By the way, Harrods also belongs to the Arabs. Arab girls, according to observations of local prefer brands such as "Chanel" and "Dior". Men like Zegna. On the purchase of a family leaves at least 10 000 pounds. After shopping the Arab family usually goes to the restaurant, and the men, who themselves - in the casino. As a rule, the meal takes place in restaurants such as Le Caprice, Zaffarano and Cecconi, and casinos among migrants prefer Knightsbridge, Les Ambassadeurs, Crockfords and Colony Club. In the last one Saudi won 5000 pounds and gave them all a man with a reception.

In general, Arabs in London spending money not only on clothes, cars and casinos. Of particular interest is their property, which in the British capital, as well as in Moscow, profitable to invest money because prices are constantly increasing. Recently, even the Arab sheikhs bought the headquarters of the Metropolitan Police. Scotland Yard has been sold for 370 million pounds. This amount has laid out a development company from the United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi Financial Group. Telegraph wrote that the building is likely to be demolished, and in its place will be a multi-purpose luxury apartment complex. 37. New street fashion.

38. Cafe

39. In an area with street art.

40. New London in a burqa.

41. Yesterday, asked his friend the Englishman as their situation with refugees. He replied that "no refugee in London. They have 15 years to spread over the whole of England, to the north. Although there is one Ashurkov!"

* Photos with Arab cafes and signs made ​​in the Middle East and a quarter do not reflect the overall picture of London. With the same success it was possible to make a selection of Chinese signs in Chinatown or Russian Brighton Beach, New York. Middle East quarter in London for about 50 years, and the current immigration crisis in Europe is no threat to the British capital can not be held. Of the total of refugees who flooded into the EU is now, Britain has taken only about 200 people. In London for a long time all mixed up - the Chinese, the Arabs, and, of course, Russian. Russian workers in London are now thinking to move to Paris!