Pitcairn Islands 4/4

The only machine on the island belongs to the local oligarchy Steve:

He and his wife holds the only local bar and cafe Christian's (and here cafe on the island is not unique). In the guidebooks write that Christian's Cafe is open once a week - from 18:30 on Friday (hot price $ 12, should call one day and say what you will - fish or meat), but in reality they may miss a week - as that Friday when we were (had a good reason - the arrival of supply ship Claymore II, when all the islanders were busy unloading it, and then the distribution of goods). As Steve says, 20 people out of 50 inhabitants of the island are regular (More Steve - dental technician)

But the story is different with bar Prior to 1991, alcohol was banned on the island (because of the influence of Adventist 7th day), then it legalized rather unusual for the Anglo-Saxon societies: To drink alcohol, you had to buy a special license - it came to the island and visitors . In 2009, consumers have canceled license, replacing his usual licensing point of sale (however, because of Adventism, many families do not drink) Steve says that the bar is open around the clock. This, of course, in a sense, a literary exaggeration. Drinks at the bar sells Steve or his wife Olivia (usually nakatyvaya with visitors!), But if they are not home or they sleep, they know the buyer can take what you need from the bar, and then tell them about it and pay Despite the dray shipping costs all the alcohol is cheap here: Pitcairn offshore, and a bottle of decent table NZ- or Chilean wine costs $ 10- $ 15 As soon as I found on Pitcairn bar, my life was adjusted

Fifty dollars I hung over the bar, and then they pustovato. Let collect collection Oh, and not to violate the antitrust laws: Tom & Betty Christian - holders competing cafes

Nowadays, water closets on the island already, but pit latrines are still in the majority

Local shop: food stored our team SRV Discovery Shop works a few hours three times a week - or you can call and it will open for you. But the main local purchases do not through the store, and ordering everything you need in the catalog for the quarter ahead: in accordance with visits MV Claymore II. Store only if you are with something that is not calculated

The only Pitcairn School - Pulau School, it literally 4 or 5 students

This, I hope, a pet cemetery

Pitcairn prison in Bob's Valley appeared on the island after the "sex scandal" of 2004, and now stands empty

"Sex scandal" for the first time in 200 years, made ​​the British finally take control of their colony on Pitcairn, previously lived autonomously and justice rely not so much on the British laws, as the opinion of the community and local customs. The British again cost "a little blood," prodelegirovav most of the duties of brotherly New Zealand Pitcairn appeared interchangeable police officer who sent in NZ semiannual trips As I understand it, the idea that police officers and other removable (doctor, pastor, etc. ) just their normal life and work on the island reduce the likelihood of mutual responsibility and bring the local way of thinking to the current site is located in the house of a policeman and open, like everything in Pitcairn, a few hours 3 times a week

Arriving at the police of course, I stumbled upon the closed door, but go around the house, found sitting on the veranda of a police officer who cheerfully told me that he had the day off Despite the fact that the "external" police - a demonstration of confidence in the Anglo-Saxon civilization meynstimovoskoy Demographics of the Pitcairn Islands, themselves seconded does not seem to cause some irritation and fit into the local community. Here the police as usual pitkernets takes in his house tourist - serial circumnavigation traveler Alfredo:

Work with the police nervous. That calms more than observation of the fish in the aquarium? Only surveillance germinated avocado:

It is the home of the Adventist priest: he also works on the island had changed and he had the best lawn in front of house. Note the thin trunk right: it papaya. Fallen down leaves, and fruits hang More

The island cemetery:

A truly ancient things on the island is not so much: the first settlers found the island uninhabited, but full of Polynesian artifacts - tiki and morae, that they are earnest Christians, of course, destroyed. Left petroglyphs near Down Rope, they are relatively difficult to access, and I because of a failed planning remained without a guide, and there was not.
That's the grave of John Adams, the last rebel-longevity, the last of his wife and daughter. She's not on the main cemetery, and in the woods on the other side Adamstown

In the 2 places on the island are on the memory disused barges:

The Edge - a small area of ​​the cliff above the Bounty bay; her anchor vessel Acadia, which sank on the neighboring atoll of Ducie Pitcairn in 1881

Cave Fletcher Christian - historical and natural sights of Pitcairn. It is believed that the rebel leader was hiding in it, looking for possible British ships searching for the rebels; or thinking; and with the growing tension in the island community and just from other

Get there trivial matter, but the result - another great view of the island - well worth it

The bottom of the Christian's cave is covered with brown balls about 0.5-1cm in diameter. Because of expanded clay Pitcairn take nowhere, I think it's goat shit

* * * Is selected in reverse order: down the Hill of Difficulty-marina in Bounty Bay-boat-SRV Discovery-Gambier archipelago-Tahiti-Tokyo-Dubai-Moscow