Pitcairn Islands 3/4

Pitcairn - a small island, but for 3 days it has been inspected without ATVs

He has a very rugged terrain, typical of volcanoes, destroyed by erosion

It - Tony. In principle, they write that for excursions on Pitcairn ATV need someone to pay, but in practice, host families, when there is someone free from adults, and bringing guests to just octrovu

Riding on Pitcairn primers raises a cloud of dust, and you look like an astronaut on the rover:

It is necessary to take a ride on an ATV is the only time, as you know, that particular style of clothing Demographics of the Pitcairn Islands (old stained shirts and pants) not from any special carelessness: clothing turns into a 10-minute

Everyone who knows about the existence of Pitcairn Pitcairn knows that - house "with Bounty mutineers," but few people understand that Pitcairn - a real paradise for lovers of hells turretless hard ekoporno with Mother Earth in the title role

View of the Easter Island with Highest point

The highest point of the island (347 meters) marked tourist signs to the distance to popular sites and markers:

Type of Antarktidu with Highest point

Radio Station, Pitcairn

Red Dirt. Based on the report of pitcairn, then, little has changed in 4 years. Even the tire did not move :)

The place where the land is rounded:

Pikern - a tropical island, but to get into the water, it is said in my work, the challenge. One of the easiest ways (after Bounty bay) - Down Isaac, at the foot of Adamstown (Pitcairn place names invented chelovechische scale Pelevin!). Down Isaac - natural pools formed due to erosion in the rocky coastline of the island: the tide and waves fill them with seawater

Each of them has its own biosphere: even 5 centimeters between the two lava salty puddles are an insurmountable obstacle for Darwinian species. One hole is a sea urchins (which are pink, the color of coral, not black as in the Mediterranean); in the other - the corals; in the third - yellow algae. Only volatile rybingi jump back and forth

In a puddle right in the foreground, I was placed in full:

This pool - small Caribbean sea with colorful fish and corals:

This pool is occupied yellow algae:

But at the other end of the island - St Paul's Pool: another place for swimming, where you can go down by jumping over rocks, risking to break its neck. Water with a roar breaks into a tidal pool between two 20-timetrovyh columns:

And sometimes Pitcairn similar to Pandora:

Place - not like, but still cool

Partially sprouting coconut neoreh:

Strongly sprouting coconut:


"Beware of falling coconuts": of memes is known that in the world from falling coconuts die 15 times more people than from shark attacks. As the shark attack on Pitcairn difficult person, such advertisements are struggling with division by zero:

Here it's called Radio Station: here in the analog age Pitcairn was the long-wavelength (or AM?) Station, and now here Club ham radio (ham radio or something) and the weather station:

Sorry, the logic of the narrative zapryatyvaet such iconic shot deep inside psota. I would call it the "Eye of Sauron" if life in dashing the nineties has not worked out I had a strong immunity to all this "New World", "Foreign Literature", "Emmanuel," "karateka", "The Gulag Archipelago", "Lord of the Rings "and countless films about the Shaolin Temple, rushed in the period of stagnation from all sides on the muddy stream mediapotrebitelya

Remove from the pocket of his cell phone and compare this with the radio station. Previously able to do things on a large scale

Got used to the light station satellites (for phone and internet) and VHF - for communication with ships and general announcements. To the island and near the roads have not been VHF dead zones, there are several repeaters:

Almost any high places of the island is visible Adamstown. "Adamstown behind the bench"

Ship Landing Point

"Адамстаун за кустами"

These bees do "the purest honey in the world" (of course - no industry and the population of bees from pure bee diseases)

This story from the public toilets, which are ten in all corners of thinly populated islands, I do not fully understand. But note, as well as residential buildings, each equipped with a system for collecting and storing rainwater:

On Tedside (= "that side" in Pitcairn, the opposite side of the island from Adamstown) lives Miss T .: Galapagos tortoise. 2 copies has delivered to the island passing yacht in 1930, but survived only Miss T. Not photographed with Miss T. - Was not Pitcairn Miss T. (in the bottom row, from left):

And now the most interesting photos from Pitcairn! Papaya:

Tree tomato (such as guinea pig - and wood and tomato):

Banana palm grove:

Traps for fruit flies Why am I all that?

Many times I have directly and indirectly mentioned about how food grows in Polynesia directly on the trees - all these papaya, breadfruit, avocado, bananas, etc. - Just in time to replace the old trees on the young. This is the sound of the jungle is not oppressive silence with cicadas (as portrayed in the jungle computer games), and anxiety rustling in the bushes chickens and goats, interrupted by constant (no shit!) Thump fallen to the ground overripe fruit Julia barely dodged fallen on it avocado, but was quickly replaced by frustration satisfaction - such a ripe avocado we had never tried, and she immediately realized from his salad