Walk on the Genoa

What we know about Genoa? The first thing that comes to mind - a port city in Italy (by the way, with a very impressive port). What is it in Liguria, in the north of the country. Milan close, again. It is also known that in Genoa one of the great historical centers in Europe. Some will remember the popular resort area in the suburbs. But you never know what else ... Because I do not aim to create another illustrated guide, I suggest a walk around the city and enjoy the local flavor. This is - the most that neither is the center, and in close proximity to the port.

Classic European narrow streets.

On many fronts on the second floor sheltered entire sculptural groups. By the way, note - between the houses stretched original beams. Communications? Although, there they are, a little higher.

Classic Italian shutters. There are some slozhnosochinёnnye.

One of the main streets. Pay attention to the ratio of the traffic and pedestrian parts.

Because of the great difficulty with parking, cars mainly maaalenkie.

The public transport network is presented unexpectedly trolleybuses. Let's just say, infrequent appearance in Europe.

And here - a typical taxi.

But - Garland dumpsters different styles.

Let's look into the yard of the local high school.

But in the temple, apparently, are the days of the Byzantine Empire.

"Cellar-ispovedalynya" razdelennaya two parts - konfessionalynuyu and dlya prihozhan.


On the question of the wires.

Cathedral of San Lorenzo, which holds the remains of a cousin of Christ.

The original newsstand.

Directly in the center of the city settled the little themed markets.

Port of Genoa.

In the distance you can see the famous lighthouse La Laterna.

The old building of the port.