Munich, not Bavarian Bavaria

I do not like the capital and big cities. Maybe it's because I live in a big city, which I was very tired. In the capitals of more opportunities, but less than the present life and the interesting topics for reporting. And even if it is there, then hid so well that a couple of days will never find. Munich - a real capital. Being the main Bavarian city, she packed everything that usually try not to show, and at least hidden from prying eyes. Anyone can safely German second Russian and American, which will be vying to prove that Moscow is not Russia, but New York is not America. So that's Munich - Bayern is not. While walking on it is definitely worth it. And at least once. I started my walk from the Olympic Park. This year marks the forty years of the Munich Olympics, for which was built the park and the whole tower.

The park is very neat and tidy, it's a great place for a stroll with the kids or for pokatushek cycling. There remained a whole sports infrastructure and convenient to carry out entertainment events.

The Olympics has become one of the most tragic in the history: Arab terrorists shot all the Israeli national team.

The Germans have learned well the Second World War and the attack. Today, on the anniversary of the Olympics, they build the scene on the water, cook a great memorable event.

Of course, I climbed the tower to look around the neighborhood. Here is the Olympic Park in Munich from above.


Note architecture. She now looks modern and even daring. Moscow Olympics held in eight years. But why the same Luzhniki look as if they were built 70 years ago? And the architecture, and state.

The complex houses - Olympic derevnya- The one where most of the team was killed.

It is a modern area of ​​the city, Olipiyskie game gave impetus to the development of new territories in Munich, the city has nearly doubled.

The Germans also live in apartment blocks and are not shy about it.

Of course, these houses have tried to build Lastly, there are beautiful to live there it was nice and comfortable.

Private housing too much, even amid six-storey houses, they resemble some Russian cities. But only from a distance. We still walk on the outskirts of Munich, and I will show you the differences. Visit the entrance of high-rise buildings, look at the parking in the yard.

Directly opposite the Olympic Park - famous factory BMW. Externally it something may resemble AvtoVAZ in Togliatti: there too blue-gray control tower, sitting atop its buildings with assembly shops.

But BMW is not a Lada, you know. And the Bavarian factory - not Togliatti.

It seems to me that the building itself is done in a similar style to design their own cars.

Munich I probably did not like. This is the case when the new building only disfigured the historical face of the city. Well, do not look it together. Although in general I am in favor of urban renewal, and I like how it's done in America or in Innsbruck, Austria, about which I wrote recently.

It's time to get off the tower and go to the center of the city. This area of ​​the central station, the one where I began my journey Bavarian came out of the car speed train to Cologne, Munich. But then I just jumped on the subway and went to the suburbs of the machine.

Trams old and beautiful. Perhaps the tram - it's one of the best things that have in Munich.

On the streets there are street musicians, even in non-touristic places. But they have some sad and lost.

Perhaps because the music is great, and around the mud? Munich - a very dirty city, I do not expect to see this in Germany.

There are many beggars, usually eastern appearance. Generally, in Munich so many Turks.

An illustrative example of incompatible architecture.

There is so hated me Tray trade.

In ten meters hotel, in front of which are cool cars, spit on pedestrian zone. Can not park here, but they are also on the Porsche.

We are entering the oldest part of the city, at the same time the most visited by tourists. Cozy fountain, under the jets which you can hide from the heat.

26 Inside the fountain - the mountains of rubbish.

City visits are also many Russian tourists, Russian speech are everywhere. For even fellow McDonald's sign in Cyrillic hanged.

It is not clear whether these gates vintage, or a remake.

The main pedestrian street of the city, there are also a lot of musicians.

In general, she reminded me Deribassovskaya in Odessa. Also noisy, fun and messy. Also play a Hava-Nagilu.

Either Munich fountain floating pile of garbage.

Who's that?

Most tourist spot - Marienplatz. This town hall.

The building is known worldwide for his watch. Every hour of dolls that are installed on the facade of the building, begin their colorful, albeit a short presentation.

But few people know that you can climb the town hall tower.

Fun costs only $ 100 and from here you can look over the top historic part of Munich.

Unfortunately, here, too, you can see how he City disfigured new homes.

Well, where is the good?

Although the guidebooks, of course, you will be shown here are pictures.

Or such. Very nice, do not argue.

Walking through the streets of many Eastern people, women in hijabs.

Of course, the city is trying to be convenient for people, despite the ugly replica and mire of the streets. Many bicycle paths.

Generally similar to the Moscow places.

Now, let's walk through a typical residential area.

Lanes are narrow. This residential area and people need somewhere to park their car. This can be done right along the road. To arrange a place, we just need something narrow sidewalk pedestrians do not need the Champs Elysees! Along the length of the road there is enough for almost everyone.

Funny machine.

Sometimes cars are parked in the right lane. That's too bad, but if there is no place - what to do. In this case, no car crosses the stop line and nobody throws their Rydvan directly on the roadway or intersection. Did not find a place close to home - put a little further. People are not lazy to walk five minutes.

And in Munich for some reason, all the traffic lights are numbered.

Neutral yard usual sleeping area. Gently tonsured lawn, trees, tiles on the sidewalk.

Normal access, the same as we do. Button on the wall - personal calls to the apartment. Above each button is not the apartment number, and the name of the residents. Why do we have such a no?

Entrance. In general, the same thing that we have. But does not stink of cat urine. The walls are a neutral, yellow, and not acid-green (as in the stairwell of my mom) or pink (also seen it). Apparently, we believe that the yellow color is only suitable for mental hospitals.

View of the surroundings. Why, it's the usual Moscow sleeping area with a typical nine-and sixteen-towers.

This property is considered to be very cheap and even social, are very poor people live. These houses for about forty years.

These could be ours, Moscow sleeping areas. Or maybe ever will? What do you think?